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Solution Focused Therapy

Solution-focused therapy is a brief therapy with a focus on the client's strengths and resources, rather than their problems or weaknesses. It focuses on finding solutions to a person's problems rather than focusing on the problems themselves. It is a collaborative and strength-based approach that helps individuals to identify their strengths and resources to achieve their goals.

The need for solution-focused therapy arises when an individual is experiencing a problem or challenge that is causing distress or preventing them from achieving their goals. Solution-focused therapy can help individuals overcome a wide range of issues, including relationship problems, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and more.         

At We-Taking Care, our therapists are trained and experienced in delivering Solution-focused therapy to help individuals overcome a variety of challenges. The need for solution-focused therapy arises when individuals experience a problem or difficulty that is affecting their daily functioning, relationships, or overall quality of life.

During therapy, the therapist helps the individual identify their goals and explore their strengths and resources to achieve those goals. The therapist focuses on the positive aspects of the individual's life, encouraging them to talk about their strengths and resources, and how they have overcome similar challenges in the past. The therapist then collaborates with the individual to create a plan of action to achieve their goals.

The therapist also uses scaling questions and other solution-focused techniques to help the individual measure their progress towards their goals and to identify any barriers that may be preventing them from achieving their goals. The therapy is usually brief and focused on achieving specific outcomes.

At We-Taking Care, our therapists are trained and experienced in delivering this approach to help individuals achieve better emotional and mental well-being.
Solution-focused therapy is typically conducted in a short-term, structured format, with an average of 5-10 sessions. 

Solution-focused therapy is often a collaborative and empowering process that helps individuals to take ownership of their goals and develop a sense of agency and control over their lives.

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